596-Mohammed Hijab vs Jay Smith.

10 months ago

This is a long awaited debate between Jay Smith and Mohammed Hijab.

Some of the books of hadith that were written before bukhari include -

- 1- the saheefah al sadiqa of amr ibn al aas (a sahabi) and it is included as part of musnad ahmed 2- saheefah of ali ibn abi taalib (and this is included within bukhari) 3- saheefah of sa3d ibn 3baadah (which is included in al tirmithi\) 4- the book of zakaaah that was written by abu bakr al siddiqq and is mentioned in al bukhari 5 - the letters to the leaders calling them to islam 6 - the treaties that were made with the disbelieving arabs 7 - the sermons of the prophet by abu shaam al yamaani

For the full debate please visit our brothers @ Dawahmedia -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl26C63EkaQ&t=4s

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