Microscopic Single-Celled Organisms (1945 Original Black & White Film)

11 months ago

Explore the intricate world of biology with this captivating black and white film from 1945. Witness the division and growth of single-celled organisms like yeast, amoebae, and paramecia, as well as the development of progressively more complex creatures such as the hydra and flatworm. Delve into the microscopic realm with detailed views of tissue cells, ciliated epithelium, and the fascinating process of plant and animal cell division. Join us on a journey through the wonders of life and the complexities of the natural world.

Source :
Hoke, G. W., Eastman Teaching Films, I. & Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, I. (1945) The Living Cell. [United States: Eastman Teaching Films, Inc., 1929 ; United States: Encyclopædia Britannica Films, Inc] [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/fia54000311/

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