Reporting For Duty

4 months ago

Every Single State Is Allowing This To Happen. Even The Ones Like Texas Putting On A Show. It's Just That,.. A Show. Just Like Every Single State Followed The Covid Protocols. They Are All In Lock Step With Each Other. Law Enforcement Is The Same, All Across The "Country". They Tell You To Jump And 99% Will Ask "How High". Dancing To The Lie. Just Take a Moment To Realize All The People Facilitating All Of This. All The NGO's, Government Agencies, Treasuries, and Every Type Of Armed Goon Pig, From Local Police to Homeland Security, Border Patrol, Sheriff's, Hiway Patrols, Private Securities, Whoever That Is Loading The Buses and The Fucking National Guard. All Committing Treason, Facilitating An Invasion And Giving Aid & Comfort To The Enemy. Yet, When The Same Crooked P.O.S.'s Raid P Diddy, They All The Sudden "The Good Guys" Again. People Have Selective Amnesia, Especially When It Comes To The Pigs.

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