The Next Forty Years

11 months ago

-- We still don't know who we are, yet.   Whites and Christians are terrified of identifying as White and Christians. They want to be "Americans" and tolerant and inclusive.  They want to worship and adore the very enemies of Jesus Christ.  We are not yet at the point where we are proud Whites and Christians -- this must change. We must hold in our belly a fire to build White and Christian nations.
-- The Patriarchs and Prophets worshipped Jesus Christ.
-- The Jews, of course, hate this -- that is their role in the world.  We must recognize the enemy of our blood and faith.
-- We are in the very beginning stages of the chaos that is coming.  I won't see the victory in my life-time.  But we need a generation of men willing to live and die for the White and Christian race with no hope of short term victories -- this is for the long haul.
-- King David had ruddy skin and beautiful eyes.  Fight, live and speak for the White race.

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