Historical Conquest - Abraham Tells His Story as the Father Both Israel and Arabs

3 months ago

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I, Abraham, was born in the city of Ur in ancient Mesopotamia, around 2000 BCE. At that time, my name was Abram. My father, Terah, was a wealthy merchant, and we lived among the idolaters of Ur. However, one day, God spoke to me and commanded me to leave my homeland and journey to a new land that He would show me. In obedience to this divine call, I gathered my wife, Sarah, and my nephew Lot, and we set out on a journey of faith.

We traveled through the desert, facing many trials and hardships along the way. Eventually, we arrived in the land of Canaan, where God promised to make of me a great nation and bless all the families of the earth through my descendants. Despite being advanced in years and childless, I believed in God's promise and trusted in His faithfulness.

However, Sarah remained barren, and out of desperation, she suggested that I take her maidservant, Hagar, as a second wife to bear a child for us. I agreed, and Hagar bore me a son named Ishmael. But God had other plans, and He reaffirmed His covenant with me, promising that Sarah would conceive and bear a son who would inherit the covenant blessings.

True to His word, Sarah miraculously conceived in her old age and gave birth to our son Isaac. Isaac would become the father of Jacob, who in turn became the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. Through these descendants, God's covenant with me was fulfilled, and the nation of Israel was born.

Throughout my life, I faced many tests of faith, including the near-sacrifice of Isaac, my beloved son. Yet, through it all, I remained steadfast in my trust in God and His promises. I am remembered as the father of faith, whose willingness to obey God's commands paved the way for the establishment of the nation of Israel and the eventual coming of the Messiah.

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