A Bible based, Christian heritage Constitutional Republic. 3/24/24

3 months ago

Buchannan, Tennessee at the Oak Grove Cemetery. I always take a walk after my dinner and God has blessed me to see so many unique places and things with any of those walks. It also gives me a chance to take some pictures and videos and talk about what is REALLY happening to our country. How do we stop the destruction happening? We first pray, then we EXPOSE and then we pray for wisdom to defeat the attacks. Isaiah 54:17 "No weapon that is formed against you will succeed;
And you will condemn every tongue that accuses you in judgment.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their vindication is from Me,” declares the Lord."
March 25th, 2024, Buchannan, Tennessee
www.mefoundation.world We at the ME Foundation also PRAY and EXPOSE and defeat the enemy.

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