Nazi Occultism

1 year ago

This video is about Nazi Occultism which is a form of witchcraft.
It traces to the pre-flood fallen angels and post-flood Rephaim.
The blood liners per their own genealogical records are related to the Post flood Rephaim.
The Bible also confirms this.

To demonstrate the current relevance, the thumbnail is a photo of former Ukrainian president Poroshenko with a Black Sun patch with a another Satanic symbol superimposed on it – the lightening bolt.

Interesting that in the recent suppose terrorist attack on Russia, Putin accuses Ukraine and frequently refers to them as Nazis. (He probably knows they are occultists and so is he probably)

The "Black Sun" was a symbol used by the SS which held esoteric and occult connotations, representing a mystical source of energy or power.
Like the swastika.

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