War On Drugs - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues

3 months ago

Since I did the Criminal Justice System stance video, there's not too much more to say regarding the "War On Drugs".

I fail to see immorality.

At least the police have something to do.

Don't do drugs. You can't complain about your low-quality cocaine to proper legal authorities thanks to the War On Drugs but like, maybe just don't do cocaine.

People tend to do whatever they want. As such, I don't particularly see the government as being immoral if they have a particular stance on things. Perhaps the government should have that power stripped away from them and, if that is the case that they have power they shouldn't be allowed to have, perhaps the resolution is going deeper than letting people use drugs. As in, ya know, rethinking how the government operates and trying to bring us back in line with how the Founding Fathers created the country.

People desire high quality medicine which the FDA helps regulate yet, when it comes to drugs, they are annoyed when no one wants it sold. Plus, they want to then say it is immoral for the government to have a stance on behalf of the citizenry to regulate substances. Who is actually relying on the government to regulate your substance abuse? The "government"? Or people who truly care for you (or maybe don't care for you and just want to restrict you for no seemingly good reason)?

Maybe get the citizenry to stop doing guns or go for the "riches" of selling drugs and, ya know, the War On Drugs wouldn't be needed anymore due to having won it.

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