How to Manifest 10x Faster and Get Better Results - Rik Schnabel

3 months ago

Is there something that you’ve always wanted to achieve but can't seem to? Let me show you how to manifest 10x faster and get better results.

If you want to manifest something that is beyond you ... Then it’s mission-critical to think beyond your current environment. But the challenge that most people face is that every day, our minds are flooded with a constant stream of thoughts. Thoughts range from mundane daily tasks to deeper contemplations about life and the world around us.

According to research, you and I have around 60,000 thoughts per day. Manifesting something outside of your current life gets harder still when you realise that 95% of your thoughts are on repeat. It’s your repeated thoughts that perpetuate your current reality.

To get beyond your limits, you must think as if you are already beyond your limits.

You must see the positives in your future. But feel them like they exist in your present – feel like you have what you desire now or at least it’s on the way. It’s placing your thinking beyond your conditioning.

Sadness, anger, guilt, shame, fear and blame are patterns all have their reasons to exist. You get beyond your problems, when you think beyond your reasons and stop enforcing them. When you stop the story, your life's story changes.

My biggest job as a coach in this space is to help my clients embrace their ability to manifest. Manifest without the fear of feeling foolish.

This is one of the prime reasons that many people don’t get beyond their circumstances and get stuck in ruts.

They’re scared that by believing in the law of attraction that people might think they’re less intelligent or foolish. As a result, they ignore their ability to manifest and perpetuate the same life, day after day, year after year.

I hear people say, the law of attraction is hooey. It’s rubbish and those same people have much to complain about.

Regardless if you believe in the LOA or not, it’s there, delivering your beliefs and expectations to you every day.

I've mastered manifesting now for 23 years. In this video I want to give you the biggest insight I've learned about manifesting. This will mean you manifest 10x faster. One thing you must know is that this is not a thought experiment. It’s a commitment to your growth.

As a coach, the first part of my job, in helping my clients to manifest an alternate life is to help them to shift their beliefs. I mostly help people manifest the growth they need in their businesses and I help them to manifest more money and beliefs are critical.

For example, I helped Hector Ojea double his income after altering his perception of what was possible for him. Another client Jurgen increased his income by $100,000 when he could finally see, in his own mind what was actually possible.

Vladimir doubled his income when I confused his belief system so much so that what was once impossible suddenly sounded double.

Now when it comes to manifesting, there’s one thing that many people miss.

If you want to manifest 10x faster the greatest thing you can do is not just feel in the present what you want in your future. But take action towards your manifestation. This is what is meant by co-creating with the Universe. You are sending a positive signal to the Universe that you are committed and what you are working for is in fact, what you want.

I also teach life coaching and NLP and many of our students need to know how to set up their business. What to do to start getting clients and so forth. So I encourage them to take action as soon as possible. To their surprise they get their first client, and it all escalates from there – because what has never happened before, is now possible.

When my students do something about starting their business straight away. This is a signal that tells the Universe, you’re serious, your committed and nothing sends that signal as powerfully than taking action.

Imagine not rising from your bed until you have a clear vision about what you want from your day and completely embodying that feeling and committing to the action that will progress your vision.

This goes way beyond visualisation. It’s about creating a vibrational match between you and your ideal self.

The thing that you must get is that manifesting what you don’t have in your life, means you have to imagine it’s coming and that’s counterintuitive. If you’re sad. Believe happiness is coming. If your financially struggling. Imagine a windfall is coming your way. If you’re living a dull life. Get excited because you can manifest the life of your dreams when you get beyond your limits.

My name is R!k Schnabel from Life Beyond Limits and I hope that this video helped you today.

Become a manifesting master – because you can.

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