Foreign Policy - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues Unlisted Video

6 months ago
What is "peace" and is that the only consideration for foreign policy?

If someone, say the Chinese Communist Party, steals the Libertarian Party's slogan of "l' party l' principle (TM)"... How do you deal with that? Surely, you use the means available of the American government to talk to the Chinese government to settle the dispute over the abuse of your trademark. Is that truly a peaceful world with the United States if your trademark is abused and you are unable to do anything about it?

Why does the United States seem to "rel[y] too heavily on our military might in foreign policy"? Perhaps because our enemies have large militaries? Peace through strength, a Reaganesque concept, is true precisely because no one respects the poor servant leader like Jesus Christ or others when they are pointing out flaws in governance, fraud, or abuse through force. That is why America has it's military, which it relies on too little (in my estimation) but can use at a moment's notice which, even if we rely too heavily or too lightly, is still going to scare potential enemies, be them states or terrorists, of American interests.

Why do people commit crimes? Because they think they can get away with it, among various reasons.

"Nation-building". So this page hasn't been updated since 2015, I guess? Even then, we have successfully nation-built with Europe and Asia though Africa is a bit troublesome (lions are no joke). Oh wow, the Middle East is troublesome, yet Israel is pretty solid as an ally whereas Iran is pretty solid as an enemy to American interests. You also say we lost thousands, of a military with millions for a citizenry of hundreds of millions... Your magnitudes indicate an unserious attempt to appreciate the reality: it was a drop in the bucket, the lives lost or people wounded, compared to the benefits of the millions in the Middle East. It is a troublesome area in an era where most of the Americas are civilized, Europe is completely civilized, Asia is generally all civilized, and Australia doesn't truly exist so let's not bother concerning ourselves with that CIA psyop based out of Oregon. We can do a better job, now, thanks to the efforts of the last two decades; however, we don't need to do it again since we already did it once AND the people can see what the Middle East turns into without American involvement. Chaos.

Wars happen regardless of being just or necessary; our enemy has a say in which wars we fight, regardless of if anyone views that war as just or necessary.

How is the draft able to be considered slavery when, uh, people generally don't want to die and love skirting obligations yet love more to be free riders of a civilized society that can be attacked and would like to draft its citizenry to assist in defending itself? Ridiculous. Also, we haven't been a conscription military for many decades; most people volunteer. The whole reason of the draft is in cases where the volunteers are lacking and conscription is necessary. Hell, draft women, too, but they don't need to be called up for service like the men.

Plus, diplomacy is what constitutes "developing communications among people and finding peaceful resolutions to disagreements". How do you do that without being manipulated by either circumstance or misunderstanding? Especially if you cannot threaten bad deals if you are taken advantage of?

Foreign policy is more than military considerations: again, how do you ensure that your property isn't carried off into a foreign country? How do you travel the world without expectation of being assisted in finding an American embassy if something goes wrong on either your travels, sojourns, or working trips overseas? How about merchants transiting the world and bringing trade between countries to consumers?

What is this "foreign policy" stance besides worse than what a child could come up with?

Lolbertarians. Seriously.

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