Civil Liberties - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues Unlisted Video

5 months ago
This is a bit easier to sum up as "what are you talking about?" given that there's all these random things thrown together without real substance. Drug crimes, internet freedom, government surveillance, Fourth Amendment "rights" (Fourth Amendment is a restriction on government, it does not give us rights. The rights we have are called to attention by the Declaration Of Independence), randomly talking about "asset-forfeiture laws", and myriad other things. Randomly thrown together.

Americans already have a proper way of discussing about liberty. Why not use that? Why are you trying to re-invent the wheel? This isn't even a solid stance like what the Founding Fathers had.

"live in whatever manner they choose" ... what

It seems more like an echo chamber of rich kids trying to appeal to everyone, more than it seems a serious attempt at running the government and establishing a vision.

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