Shifts Happen - Series Five Session Nineteen – Assimilating The Light

10 months ago

Today’s session is about allowing the Higher Self to step in, to quiet the mind, grant peace, calm, and illuminate your path ahead.

In this transformation session, you can move beyond the “small” self who feels stuck in depression, non-action and “same old” struggles into an activated Higher Self who feels better and does better, to not just survive these challenging times, but to rise and Thrive within them.

If you feel frustrated with the way life seems to be breaking down and apart and can’t see a way through, this session can help you – especially if you are interested in moving from 3D limited living to 5D success in all areas of your life.

If you are not already, by becoming a Shifts Happen Member, you receive the full additions to this session, plus 18 other power-packed transformational sessions – eliminating decades of recovery and healing, as you ascend into your Highest and Best Self – the Quantum Way.

**Plus you can start "Quantum Jumping" collapsing the timeline of your 3D self and allowing your 5D evolved self - in your future - to start manifesting breakthroughs in you life RIGHT now.**

(These are the Highest upgrades to date that have channeled through me for QFH - that you can learn, then apply to ANY of your healings.)

You can see all the details here:

If you wish to read this transcript on my blog – you can do so here:

I look forward to your comments and questions below.

Love Mel xo

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