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Just Human #262: Judge Cannon Partial CIPA 4 Order, DOJ Wants 50yrs For SBF, Seth Rich FOIA Case Update

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In this episode, we read Judge Cannon’s latest Order in the Docs Case where she finally rules on the CIPA 4 battle that has played out since December… well, kinda. She rules on part of it, but sets aside other parts pending an upcoming hearing and her yet to be given order on Trump’s Motion to Compel Discovery.

Then we check in on SBF and the sentencing submissions from DOJ, Alameda, FTX, etc.

We finish with several filings from the Seth Rich FOIA case.

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  • 0/2000
  • Sam Bankman Fraud’s parents are the ones who should take responsibility for the miscreant child they raised. They are law school professors who teach classes in ethics apparently, but who also helped their son shape his crypto empire. The icing on the cake is the millions of dollars worth of gifts they took from their son. They are being sued by FTX to clawback some of those gifts. You have to wonder whether they sacrificed their child in exchange for the $100 million in donations that were directed to politicians, mostly Democrats. A full bowl of turds it is. Make sure to jiggle the handle when they are gone.

  • Kyle, if your retirement and life savings were stolen from you; I think you might feel differently. I think he deserves a life sentence. I think Americans have seen how soft on crime sentences affect victims lives. He destroyed the lives of the people he stole from. Try living on welfare or SSN for 6 months. He lived a better lifestyle than at least half the population.

  • Sam Bankfraud deserves longer in Prison than a standard car loan. His defense team crying “whaa whaaa the prosecutor is not nice” won’t fly.

  • https://deadwoodtobacco.com/

  • in many ways would've preferred headline 'bankster fried for egregious criminal conduct...' rather than 'bankman freed after 20 yrs good behavior'

  • Thank you!

  • OBVIOUSLY, SBF didn't cost you your house, your retirement, your financial freedom.....100 years is no where near enough!!! have you lost your mind?????

  • I don't remember but what is the specific classified info that the FBI is trying to find that will get them in deep shit? There was one thing that they don't want it to get out to the public.

    1 like
  • excellent show sir.

    1 like
  • Good stuff Troop much appreciated Kyle

    1 like
  • With all the donations to the DemonRats, the pull of his parents and good behavior, he'll be in "Club Med" and out in 10.

    1 like