Dopey Labour’s latest attack on the Greens backfires spectacularly!

3 months ago

Social Media attacks on the Green Party by Labour figures over a solar energy farm being blocked expose Labour as the NIMBY's!
Right, so a story that amused me no end this week at any rate is a half-witted attack by some Labour figures on the Green Party in an attempt to make them out to be perhaps not as Green as they make themselves out to be as a solar farm in Kent has been refused planning permission. If you just read the headline, as so many of social media have clearly done, it very much implies that the council in question, which is Folkestone & Hythe District Council has refused the planning permission because it is Green Party run and therefore there’s a whiff of a scandal in the air, but actually it’s nothing of the sort, is incredibly misleading and well, some people who have let their factionalism and their desperation for a gotcha on the Greens get the better of them and deservedly so.
Right, so Folkestone and Hythe District Council in Kent has been the source of this frankly non story, but given it has been picked up by some not so insignificant Labour figures, it has I think highlighted their desperation to get one over on the Greens, but when you dig into the story itself, you realise that actually it’s Labour it blows up in the face of.
The Kent Online story is actually titled ‘Huge solar farm at Postling, near Folkestone, rejected by Council.’ And the story concerns one of those large solar farms I’m sure most of us have seen erected across farmland and in this case it was a 55 acre planned solar array, that’s the size of 30 football pitches and would have the capacity to supply clean, green energy to some 5,000 homes. However before you click on the article, as it appears on social media, the actual title of it isn’t presented to you on the thumbnail, instead the article is introduced as ‘Kent’s Green Council reject plans for huge solar farm.’ Now sure, it is a Green Council, but was it Green councillors that actually rejected it? Judging by the number of people who didn’t read past that title in the thumbnail, it’s enough to have people sneering at the Greens themselves over this and certain Labour figures who definitely know better than to read just such a headline and judge the entire story on that, have taken full advantage.
The one name that jumped out to me on this was Mike Katz, who you might be familiar with, he’s usually running around accusing the left of being racist as Chair of Starmer’s go to antisemitism judges, the Jewish Labour Movement, where you need be neither Jewish nor in Labour to be a part of, and who were scathingly criticised in the Forde Report for their antisemitism training being poor. Let it never be said he’s not a loyal Labour sycophant himself though, as he saw this article and quote tweeted it as:
‘Ladies and gents, the 'progressive' Green Party in action... Huge solar farm at Postling, near Folkestone, rejected by council’

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