11 months ago

February 28/2020
President Donald J Trump Attends A Meeting With Black American Leaders On February 28/ 2020 To Do A Photo Moment Together~^~
Trump Meet With Popular Social Media Influencers; Diamond & Silk~Candice Owens~Terrence Williams—Evangelist Elveda King~^~
March 24/ 2024
*****TRUMP 2024*****

If You’re Doing Poorly, Don’t Send Anything…
If You’re Doing Well, Text ” TRUMP” To 88022 To Donate…

February 17/ 2024
Get President Trump’s Official Sneakers🎊
*BUY NOW*🛍️🛒

December 12/2023
Get Donald Trump Digital Trading Card MugShot NFTs❤️🇺🇸💙⭐️💳

Don Trump Jr💚🍀Interview Mike Benz March 21/ At 6:00 Pm Et🇺🇸🎙️

President Trump❤️Vote 2024 Florida GOP Primary Mar 19/ At 4: Pm Et🇺🇸⭐️

Don Trump Jr💚🍀Interview Peter Navarro Mar 18/ At 6:00 Pm Et🇺🇸🎙️

President Trump❤️At Buckeye Rally Dayton Ohio Mar 16 /At 4:00 Pm Et💙

President Trump❤️🇺🇸Delivers Message To The Nation Mar/ 13🤍🇺🇸💙🏛️💐

President Trump❤️Vote Rally In Rome GA🤍Mar 9/ At 5:00 Pm Cet 💙🇺🇸

President Trump❤️🇺🇸Holds Rally In Rome GA Mar 9/ At 5:00 Pm Et 💙⭐️

President Trump❤️Election Super Tuesday Watch Party Mar 5/ 6: Pm Et💙🇺🇸⭐️

President Trump❤️Host Super Tuesday Special Mar 4/At 7:15 Pm Et💙🇺🇸⭐️

President Trump❤️Pre Super Tuesday Mar~A~Lago- Mar 4/ At 7:15 Pm Et 💙

President Trump❤️ Hold Remarks At Mar~A~Lago In Florida Mar 4/ At Et🇺🇸

President Trump❤️🇺🇸Holds Vote Rally Richmond VA Mar 2/ At 6: Pm Cet💙

President Trump❤️Vote Rally Richmond Virginia Mar 2/ At 6:00 Pm Et💙⭐️

President Trump❤️Vote Rally In Greensboro N.C Mar 2 /At 2:00 Pm Cet💙🇺🇸

President Trump❤️Holds Rally Greensboro N.C Mar 2/ At 2:00 Pm Et🇺🇸 💙

Breaking News: Feb 26/ 2024:
Letter With White Powder Triggers Hazmat Response To Home Of Don Trump Jr💚🍀
This News Was Posted On MXM News Website And App On Feb/ 26

March 24/ 2024
White Hats Military Convicts D.C. District Attorney For Treason👨‍💼⚖️🧑‍🚀🐝

Last week, the United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps convicted U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves of treason. Graves had vowed to remain silent but ended up self-snitching himself into a death sentence.

As reported in January, Delta Force operators captured Graves while he was vacationing at a Colorado ski resort. The Deep State pawn was taken to a holding facility and, later, to Guantanamo Bay for intake and interrogation. Predictably, he had refused JAG’s magnanimous plea deal: lifelong imprisonment in exchange for an admission of guilt and the whereabouts of retired and active-duty military personnel allegedly held at secret federal penitentiaries. Graves reportedly told investigators he only meted out the punishment and that if covert prisons existed, Merrick Garland had the coordinates. Then he was all bluff and bluster, saying JAG would eventually incur Biden’s wrath.

Two months of confinement in a six-by-nine-foot cubicle hardened Graves’ resolve, his disdain for all things Trump. He likened Trump to Apollyon, the Destroyer of Revelation 9:11, and MAGA to a destructive swarm of locusts.

“Where Trump goes, destruction follows. He’s the personification of evil, the destroyer,” Graves had said.

As he stepped inside Guantanamo Bay’s south courtroom, flanked by a pair of MPs, he shouted that his only regret in life was his failure to prosecute all “maggot” MAGA patriots in the country and condemn them to life behind bars or an eternity in purgatory.

“Spare us your fantasies, detainee Graves, and have a seat,” Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall said. “We’ll make this procedure as quick and painful for you as possible.”

The Admiral introduced the panel, three Marine Corps officers whom JAG had empaneled to weigh the evidence against Graves impartially. Nonetheless, their eyes narrowed contemptuously at Graves as he seated himself and announced he would not participate in the tribunal.

“I’ll say now all I’ll say today,” Graves said. “I reject this tribunal. “It is false. I am detained illegally, and there will be retribution.”

“We’re happy you got that off your chest,” Admiral Crandall said.

He then approached the panel. “Detainee Graves, in all his splendor, has boasted about how his vital role in coordinating the nationwide prosecution of over 1,000 J6ers helped make America a safer country. What he never said, and what’s been proven by publicly available video evidence, is that the overwhelming majority of the 1,000 committed no crimes. They practiced their 1st Amendment right to assemble and express views through peaceful protest, the protest of a stolen election. He doesn’t deny these facts; he’s proud of it.”

“Damn right, I am,” Graves blurted. “They got less than they deserved. I wanted them all wired to the chair, trembling and sizzling as they fried. Anyone questioning Biden’s victory should’ve had poison put in their veins or have been electrocuted. And that means all of you! And when I leave here, I will ensure that happens, especially after this.”

“Easy now, detainee Graves. You wouldn’t want to risk your innocence,” Admiral Crandall taunted. You did what you felt was right, of course.”

“You felt their punishments didn’t fit their crimes, didn’t you?” Admiral Crandall goaded.

“That’s right. All of them, just like you all, are domestic terrorists and deserve a life sentence or death. But, no, I couldn’t do that. I was told 22 years maximum for insurrection and, in some cases—probation. D.C. is ours, not theirs, and we had the authority to hunt down those MAGA pukes. MAGA, MAGA, MAGA—I was sick and fucking tired of hearing about MAGA. And that goes for your military traitors, too; you assholes who still support Donald Trump. What is wrong with you people?” Graves said.

“We support the Constitution of the United States, detainee Graves,” the Admiral replied.

“I’ve said enough,” Graves said, but continued his reproval anyway. “The Constitution, the Constitution, the Constitution, that’s all I ever hear you people talk about, your undying devotion to a document that should’ve been burned long ago. We don’t care about your Constitution anymore. It’s a prehistoric fossil written by men who have turned to dust. If I’m gone, someone else will pick up the torch. How many have you killed, Admiral Crandall? You’re a practiced hypocrite.”

The Admiral ordered MPs to restrain and gag Graves. He showed the panel a copy of an email Graves had sent to FBI Director Christopher Wray in April 2021, which highlighted his hatred for and desire to eradicate the “January 6 insurrectionists.” His discursive jeremiad bounced between slandering and defaming President Trump and labeling MAGA a threat to democracy. “Any man or woman over 13 years of age identifying as MAGA should be summarily put to death; any man or woman calling themselves patriots should likewise meet a gas chamber,” Graves wrote.

In one paragraph, he ascribed President Trump’s charisma to witchcraft, saying Trump “put spells” on his friends, family, and supporters.

“It’s more rational than it sounds, Director Wray. Why else would a woman like Melania stay with the buffoon? Why else would half the country bow to him? Yes, they’re all nuts, but there’s more to it. Demonology,” Graves wrote.

“This commission doesn’t recognize insanity or occultism as mechanisms of defense,” Admiral Crandall said. “The facts are clear and indisputable. The detainee knowingly used specious charges to prosecute and jail innocent people. Many of them were federal plants who were prosecuted and released. The Deep State did a very good job obfuscating which were plants, but we also know that many law-abiding citizens remain behind bars. Detainee Graves committed acts of treason, and I ask you panel members to find him guilty of that crime.”

Graves shuddered in his seat, mumbling into the gag.

The panel unanimously delivered a verdict of guilty and recommended the death penalty.

Admiral Crandall assented, and he scheduled Graves’ execution for Tuesday, March 26.

I anticipate having information on Merrick Garland’s tribunal tomorrow.

February 29/ 2024
Iillustrations And Video Of The JP Mission Are Available Here⤵️ castle with gold plates
Dr. Michael Salla Interview Military Personnel JP About His Mission Update🎙️👨‍🚀
The Ancient Underground Castle With *GOLD PLATES*🛎️🏰🔔🐝
Gold And Artifacts From The Ancient Underground Castle Would Be Shared To— Different Destination Around The World And Would Be Shared With An International Alliance Of Some Kind…
Which Can Be The Beginning Part Of A Plan To Launch Gold Back Currencies…
JP Supplied Two Illustrations Of His Military Team Travelling To The Underground location And The Castle…
And Took Video Of The End Of The Mission Where He And His Team Arrived Back On Blackhawk Helicopters At Night…
JP Concluded That His Team’s Role Was To Observe And Reveal The Mission To The General Public…

March2/ 2024
Hello, my name is David Baumblatt, I am a Former FBI Agent, West Point Army Officer, Harvard & IMD Graduate, New Yorker, Political Nationalist, China Expert, Heavyweight Boxer, and Leadership Veteran who is currently under an unconstitutional investigation from the corrupt FBI.
Designated as a National Security Threat, I am no longer welcome to return to the USA. The last time I visited America was in 2019; during this visit, I was Detained, Searched, Interrogated, Surveilled, Deceived, Humiliated, and Assaulted by the U.S. Government.
The FBI then began colluding with Foreign Intelligence Agencies to destroy my life and career overseas. I have formally submitted my grievances to the FBI, Inspector General of the Department of Justice, and have written every single Congressman and Senator.
I have been totally ignored by my Government, to include the American Mainstream Media, as well as being banned on both YouTube and LinkedIn. I would appreciate your support, if you can share, like, and follow my Rumble Channel.
As a military veteran, if my constitutional rights can so easily be trampled on by our Tyrannical Government, then so can yours.
Thank you and Lead to Victory.

January 22/ 2024
Dr. Michael Salla Interview Author Researcher Leo Zagami Jan 22/🎙️🎥 🐝

February 2/ 2024
Dr. Michael Salla Interview JP From The U.S. Military👨‍💼🎙️👨‍🚀🐝
Nordic Extraterrestrial Assimilation Program JP Update Jan 12/ 2024🌎🛸🌌

January 29/ 2024
Dr. Michael Salla Interview Pleiadian Contactee Emissary Elena Danaan For GFW🎙️ Creation Of Space-Arks {Space-Ships} And Their History On Earth/Terra🛸🌐🛸🐝

How To Create A Playlist On Your Rumble Channel Or Rumble Page📑 🎦🐝

January 27/ 2024
What’s Coming In 2024🌐🛸🐝
Dr. Michael Salla Official Webinar Video Trailer For February 3/ 2024🎬🎞️📽️
A Catastrophic Disclosure Is Coming Despite Deep State Opposition🌎🛸🌐🛸🌌

How To Create A Rumble Channel For New Beginners⌨️🖥️📲🐝

Week In Review With Dr. Michael Salla December 30/ 2023🎥🎙️🛸🌌

Pleiadian Contactee GFW Emissary Elena Danaan News Update Nov/13🌐🛸🌌🐝

Exopolitical State Of The Planet Webinar With Dr. Michael Salla Nov 11-(25)🌎🌐🛸🐝

Pleiadian Contactee Emissary GFW-Elena Danaan News Update Nov/6🌐🛸🌌 🐝

Get President Donald J Trump Amazing New Book📗LETTERS TO TRUMP ❤️🇺🇸📝🛍️🛒
People love my new book! Read all the never before seen letters only in, Letters To Trump. Available now at

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