March 24: Unforgettable Historical Events at this date

10 months ago

1603 Scottish King James VI son of Mary Queen of Scots, becomes King James I of England in succession to Elizabeth I, thus joining the English and Scottish crowns
1629 1st game law passed in American colonies, by Virginia
1765 Britain enacts Quartering Act, required colonists to provide temporary housing to British soldiers
1801 Aleksandr Pavlovich Romanov becomes Tsar Alexander I of Russia
1828 Philadelphia & Columbia Railway (1st state owned) authorized
1832 Mormon leader Joseph Smith is beaten, tarred and feathered in Hiram, Ohio
1837 Canada gives its black citizens the right to vote
1853 Anti-slavery newspaper "The Provincial Freeman" first published in Windsor, Ontario, edited by Samuel Ringgold Ward and Mary Ann Shadd Cary, first black woman publisher in North America
1882 German scientist Robert Koch discovers and describes the tubercle bacillus which causes tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), and establishes germ theory
1906 "Census of the British Empire" shows Great Britain rules 1/5th of the world
1920 1st US coast guard air station established (Morehead City, NC)
1930 1st religious services telecast in US (W2XBS NYC)
1937 National Gallery of Art established by Congress
1942 US government begins moving native-born citizens with Japanese ancestry into detention centres under Executive Order 9066, with intention of preventing home-grown espionage
1947 US Congress proposes 2-term limitation on the presidency
1958 Elvis Presley joins the U.S. Army (serial number 53310761)
1964 Kennedy half-dollar issued
1966 Selective Service announces college deferments based on performance
1979 Columbia flown on carrier aircraft lands at Kennedy Space Center
1980 ABC's nightly Iran Hostage crisis program renamed “Nightline"
1982 US sub Jacksonville collides with a Turkish freighter near Virginia
2015 NASA's Opportunity rover becomes the first to complete a Martian marathon
2019 US Attorney William Barr summarizes report submitted by Special Council Robert S. Mueller (The Mueller Report) in a letter to Congress stating "investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities" and "Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense”

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