Black Box Voting - America's Elections Watchdogs

3 months ago

“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
Joseph Stalin. Born December 6, 1878. Died March 5, 1953.

John "The Cat" Silvestro of LHS Associates owns and controls 90% of the digital vote counting tabulators in New England. That is ME, NH, VT, CT MA and RI. It has been this way for decades. Is it any wonder that the New England Washington contingency is all Democrat??

The "Election Deniers" are really the Democrats gaslighting Americans that the Conservatives contesting the election results of 2020 are "Conspiracy Theorists!!!" If that is true, why are they threatening Gerard Beloin For Congress 2024 with death and dismemberment for playing recordings and videos exposing election fraud??? Judge people by their actions, not their words.

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