This Guy Can Make Police Siren Sounds Using Just His Mouth

7 years ago

We all have our own talents. Some sing amazingly, some dance impeccably, others can paint landscapes that you feel like you can step into! There are graffiti artists, miniature makers, beatboxers, athletes, name it! But we believe that there should actually be a separate and very exclusive category of performers for those who can imitate sounds! Oh, wait, there is?

Well then, if there already is a category for those who can imitate sounds, then we would like to bring a motion for a sub-category - people who can imitate the sound of a police siren! We all have tried it as kids, playing cops and crooks and wailing like a squad car. Back then it sounded very realistic to us, but now that we have heard this guy, we have to say we feel embarrassed about our younger selves.

We have no idea what this guy’s name is or where he is from. What we do know is that he has been working on a play song every day for the last five years and now he is confident enough in his piece that he would love to sing it for us. Only he doesn’t sing. He sort-of whistles through his teeth rested on his lower lip, making it sound exactly like the wails of a police car in pursuit! He can even imitate the yelps as well.

The video is slightly off sync for some reason, which kinda adds to the doubt that maybe it is just a good montage, but we took several good listens to the clip and we have to say, this guy has got something!

Someone call Hollywood!

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