Because They Can

3 months ago

The TOTALLY CORRUPT New York Attorney General, Letitia James ran for office by totally unethically promising to get President Trump. That should have disqualified her, but New Yorkers cheered her on and she won of course, she was the Democrat nominee. She charged President Trump with wrongly valuing his property on loan applications. She just made it up out of thin air. The banks and insurance companies not only had no problem with President Trump's valuations, they want more business from him. He paid back all loans ahead of time. This is a TOTAL travesty. And the Democrat hack judge on the case, Arthur Engeron fined President Trump 355 million for NOTHING because he could. And interest would build up on fine until paid. And he put a 400 million plus bond on case that would allow President Trump to appeal. And Letitia James says she will start confiscating President Trump's property if he doesn't pay. This is EVIL!!!This is not America. The Founders and Framers would be aghast that such an abomination could happen in the country they brought about. There is NO WAY they would ever think that two hacks could control the Presidential election and disenfranchise over 80 million voters. NONE of this would be happening if President Trump were not running for President. It has NOTHING to do with justice and EVERYTHING to do with power. This has to be stopped or our country won't survive.

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