NT Framework 41: LEAVES - Part 2

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SBC Family,

Tomorrow I will talk about Election Status in the acronym LEAVES. This will follow our discussion on Limited Depravity, all along making sure to protect the gospel, which is precious.

Limited Depravity
Election Status
Available Atonement
Veritable Grace
Eternal Security

Hopefully we will get into some of the other points too. Don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have. You can always write a question down and put it in the box on the wall or hand it to me or ask me personally. My take on election is quite different than what is commonly taught. There are others who hold to the same ideas though, so nothing unique to me. It should be fun to see the Scriptures in a different way than has been viewed for the last 500 or 1600 years, depending on who you are tracing back too. I really think this doctrine is very confusing to people and it's not like there are only three options (unconditional election, foreknowledge election, corporate election). There are other ideas in the mix like service election, choice rather than elect, et. al., and a combination of these views relative to context is highly possible, and I think that is true. It is extremely rare to have a technical word that always refers to the same idea. Context should always prevail in determining word meanings. There is a lot of clarification that is needed in this area.

Grace to you,



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