Port and Airflow Theory, PolyQuad cylinder chambers, Creating Swirl

6 years ago

I now have Porting and Airflow Theory II https://youtu.be/yc1vkp41WcU

How I say it in "Layman's" terms is that I'm going to port and polish on my cylinder head, but really, there's so much more that goes into it! The Polyquad design is patented by David Vizard and I learned about it from his "How to Port and Flow Test Cylinder Heads" book.

This is one of the concepts that I will develop onto my 2000+ 1ZZFE which oddly resides in a 1999 Chevy Prizm.

One of the friends I was telling this to freaked out that I was going to reduce torque at lower RPM and that this was a terrible idea. He's quite right if it's wrong for this car, but I won't know until I try it! Error is part of learning. While I'd love to get it right or at least better on the first try, I expect to make mistakes and learn, just like I was talking about at the end of one of my last videos.

Airflow theory is incredibly complicated. Argonian Bilbo asked some great questions about opening the port and and how it could impact torque down low. I suggest you read the conversation below. It may be a spoiler for videos to come, but it also shows how things won't necessarily be as straight forward as "bigger is always better" - definitely not true.

At first I unwisely thought I needed a head gasket at the beginning of this year. It was really a timing chain tensioner oil leak (video coming, (came! https://youtu.be/pWe-QSyn2to )) that was falling on the power steering pump and being brought up to where the cylinder head meets the block.

I started an article at the time about how I planned on rebuilding the engine while I was in there. In it I discuss a lot of my other ideas and plans and preparations for the rebuild.

Check it out:

Porting and airflow theory III:
https://youtu.be/DUfNwbmTQKs In this video I discuss machinist ridges, increasing flow, and the rule to work on where the restriction is the greatest. If instead you work on the part of the port where the flow is best, then you'll make a lazy port. You'll lose port velocity.

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