Laws created by people who "represent" us, many are unconstitutional. Think about this.

1 month ago

Laws created by people who "represent" us, many are unconstitutional. Think about this.
Many laws on the books, have been created to limit "We the People's" rights. "Marbury vs Madison", summary, any laws that go against the Constitution are void. The majority of laws created since the 1840's are void, and unconstitutional. These laws include local, state, and federal laws, that limit we the people, their rights and freedoms. There are many examples, that have not been properly challenged. A couple, like Tucker stated, are seatbelt laws. Yes it is much safer to wear a seatbelt, but should the government demand that? No, it's unconstitutional. Talking on a cell, while driving, that should be a choice, not stripped away, by a law created.
Many of these unconstitutional laws, must be void, and taken off the books, and get back to the Constitution. Let freedom ring!

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