March 22 Through the Ages: Revealed Secrets This Date In History

3 months ago

Explore the secrets and events that have happened throughout history on March 22. From famous birthdays to historical events, this video will reveal all that happened on this date in history. Take a journey through time and discover the significance of March 22!

1765 Stamp Act organized by British Prime Minister George Grenville, is passed by the British parliament thus becoming the 1st direct British tax on the American colonists,
1790 Thomas Jefferson becomes the 1st US Secretary of State under President Washington
1794 Congress bans US vessels from supplying slaves to other countries
1861 1st US nursing school chartered
1871 William Holden of North Carolina becomes 1st governor removed by impeachment
1872 Illinois becomes 1st state to require sexual equality in employment
1873 Slavery is abolished in Puerto Rico, celebrated as Emancipation Day
1903 US Anthracite Coal Commission, set up by President Theodore Roosevelt, submits its recommendations for shorter hours, a 10-per cent wage increase, and an 'open shop’
1917 The USA is the first nation to recognize the new government of Russia
1929 US Coast Guard vessel sinks Canadian schooner suspected of carrying liquor
1933 FDR signs the Cullen-Harrison Act, legalizing the sale of low- alcohol beer and wine with up to 3.2% alcohol by volume
1935 Blood tests authorized as evidence in court cases in New York
1941 James Stewart is inducted into the Army, becoming the first major American movie star to wear a military uniform in World War II and, exactly three years later, on this very date, Stewart flies his 12th combat mission, leading the 2nd Bomb Wing in an attack on Berlin
1946 1st US rocket to leave the Earth's atmosphere (50 miles up)
1965 US confirms its troops used chemical warfare against the Vietcong
1972 In Eisenstadt v. Baird the US Supreme Court rules unmarried people have same right to contraception as married people.
1972 US Congress approves the Equal Rights Amendment (still not ratified)
1988 US Congress overrides President Reagan's veto of sweeping civil rights bill
1991 Law enforcement officers raid fraternities at University of Virginia, seizing drugs
1997 Comet Hale-Bopp Closest Approach to Earth (1.315 AU)
2010 NASA's rover 'Spirit' gets caught in a sand trap on Mars and ceases communications with Earth [1]
2023 Microsoft founder Bill Gates says development of artificial intelligence (AI) is the most important technological advance since the graphical user interface (GUI) in 1980

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