The Wedding Reception Went All Wrong For This Little Toddler

6 years ago

Oh, those wedding receptions. Wonderful occasions we gladly go to, have a great time, enjoy delicious food and dance all night long. It is always a night to remember, and we always leave with so many amazing memories. This wedding reception in the video is definitely one that nobody will forget.

While everything was as amazing as it could be, one tiny accident stood out and will be talked about maybe longer than the wedding itself. This video will show you what we are talking about.

The adorable couple was enjoying a wonderful dance at the wedding reception. They were having a blast when suddenly, a little girl decided to join them.
While most people would carefully walk to the dance floor, this little one wasn't paying that much attention. Instead of dancing, the little girl ended up falling down on the ground. Wearing a beautiful wedding dress herself, she just ran in blindly, wanting to join their dance and instead of that hit her head on the man's leg and fell over. Tots!

With as much as planning that goes into wedding ceremonies, it looks like they can hardly go off without a hitch. Someone once said: "You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can’t predict the weather!" Same with weddings, whether it’s a wedding toast, a dress falling off, funky dancing guests, something is always keeping up the audience entertained.

So if you didn't get the chance to laugh at the silly fails on your own wedding ceremony, do it now at these people’s sweet disaster! Watch this hilarious video of a girl running into a couple that dances and falling on the ground!

LOL! This is one unforgettable wedding reception, don’t you think?

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