How Much Worrying and Suffering Will We Choose

11 months ago

April 1 - How Much Worrying and Suffering Will We Choose
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Worry is simply an energetic expression that allows us to see where we are out of alignment with God’s plan. Worry is only possible when we choose not to fully trust in God’s plan. Our highest will, just as our highest self is always connected to, and in communication with, its Source, thus worrying, and for that matter, suffering, result from having forgotten that this constant connection exists. Our Source being love only creates lovingly, thus our journey, no matter how we have been programmed to see and react to it, is a loving journey. A loving journey can come in many forms, but in the end its manifestation is of service to everyone involved.

There will come a time when you will be shown how all the pieces of the whole self fit perfectly together. It is then you will embrace each and every one of those pieces you once judged, and instead you will thank them for their participation in your lesson plan. Forgiveness, compassion, peace, joy, and gratitude will result from this understanding and will replace all the hurt, worry and suffering you once felt. Today, let us remember and rejoice that we have been gifted free will, and so we do not have to wait till our return home to find understanding, forgiveness, compassion, peace, joy, and gratitude now. Every single experience in our life will, in the end, bring us to a place of greater wisdom, maturity, peace and understanding. Once we get this, worrying and suffering will diminish and then dissolve from our experience.
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