Men step up stop the SIMP

3 months ago

Sketch talk :Development of the mind is important and losing control of that can lead to a lot. It’s a hard truth that women are slowly proving that men in the coming generations are lazy and simps.

Some lack confidence and morality, all I see around me is a rise in young male death rates. Killing each other off because of some girl who just plays you for attention or shooting because you join a gang and want to show you are a gangster or bad boy..

Why so emotional??

They young man are out there like girls holding guns or pussies between their legs can’t think clearly or wisely can’t think for themselves won’t get up and make something of themselves work hard to get what you want then blame the government for not providing jobs.. really?

Man up, find God and strive to be great men and free you mind from all these slave mine that keeps you thinking stupid

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