Hadith about If the day of Eid ul Fitr is Friday then حدیث مبارکہ اگر عید الفطر کا دن جمعہ ہے تو؟

2 months ago

Hadith about If the day of Eid ul Fitr is Friday then?
so there have been many questions regarding the case when the day of Eid happens to be a Friday and the two Eids come together: Eid al-Fitr or al-Adha and the “eid” of Friday (Jumu‘ah), which is the weekly “eid”. Is Jumu‘ah prayer obligatory for the one who attended Eid prayer, or is it the case that the Eid prayer is sufficient and he can pray Zuhr instead of Jumu‘ah? Should the adhaan for Zuhr prayer be given in the mosques or not? And there are other questions. So the Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas has decided to issue the following fatwa:
Concerning this issue, there are a number of marfoo‘ hadiths and mawqoof reports, including the following:
The hadith of Zayd ibn Arqam (may Allah be pleased with him), according to which Mu‘aawiyah ibn Abi Sufyaan (may Allah have mercy on him) asked him: Did you ever witness with the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) two Eids that happened on the same day? He said: Yes. He said: What did he do? He said: He offered the Eid prayer, then he granted a concession allowing people to miss Jumu‘ah prayer, and he said: “Whoever wishes to pray (Jumu‘ah), let him do so.”
Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood, an-Nasaa’i, Ibn Maajah, ad-Daarimi, and by al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak, where he said: This hadith has saheeh isnaads, even though they [al-Bukhaari and Muslim] did not narrate it, and it has a corroborating report according to the conditions of Muslim. And adh-Dhahabi agreed with him. An-Nawawi said in al-Majmoo‘: Its isnaad is jayyid.
The corroborating evidence mentioned above is the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), according to which the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Two Eids have come together on this day of yours, so whoever wishes, it [the Eid prayer] will suffice for Jumu‘ah, but we will pray Jumu‘ah.”
Narrated by al-Haakim as stated above; also narrated by Abu Dawood, Ibn Maajah, Ibn al-Jaarood, al-Bayhaqi and others.
The hadith of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: Two Eids came together at the time of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). He led the people in (the Eid) prayer, then he said: “Whoever wishes to come to Jumu‘ah may come and whoever wishes not to do so may stay away.” Narrated by Ibn Maajah. It was also narrated by at-Tabaraani in al-Mu‘jam al-Kabeer as follows: Two Eids came together at the time of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): Eid al-Fitr and Jumu‘ah. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) led them in the Eid prayer, then he turned to face them and said: O people, you have attained goodness and reward, but we are going to pray Jumu‘ah; whoever wishes to pray Jumu‘ah may do so, and whoever wishes to go back, may go back.”
The hadith of Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him), according to which the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Two Eids have come together on this day of yours, so whoever wishes, it [the Eid prayer] will suffice for Jumu‘ah, but we will pray Jumu‘ah in sha Allah.”
Narrated by Ibn Maajah. Al-Buwaysiri said: Its isnaad is saheeh and its men are thiqaat (trustworthy)
The mursal report of Dhakwaan ibn Saalih says: Two Eids came together at the time of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): Jumu‘ah and Eid. He led them in (the Eid prayer), then he stood up to address the people and said: “You have remembered Allah and attained goodness. But we will pray Jumu‘ah, so whoever wants to stay – in his house – may do so, and whoever wants to pray Jumu‘ah may do so.”

Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in as-Sunan al-Kubra.
It was narrated that ‘Ata’ ibn Abi Rabaah said: Ibn az-Zubayr led us in prayer on the day of Eid, on a Friday, at the beginning of the day, then we went to pray Jumu‘ah and he did not come out to us, so we prayed by ourselves. Ibn ‘Abbaas was in at-Taa’if and when we came we told him about that, and he said: He acted in accordance with the Sunnah.
Narrated by Abu Dawood. A different version was narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah, in which he added at the end: And Ibn az-Zubayr said: I saw ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab do something like this when two Eids happened on the same day.

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