Altering time

1 year ago

Those that are aware enough to follow this channel. Know about masks, clones, CGI, actors ect…
We know all the black hats do is lie.
We know the white hats lie. But we give them a out. As there’s a greater purpose. Keeping the plan secret. And not scaring the masses to much. But the world is full of lies. I / we,,,, try to find the truth. Because we need truth. Living among lies is agonizing. So we try to make it fun.
Ok,,,, what the actual fuck is going on with what this man said?!?
What is going on with the sun?!?
With the tech, the domes, harp, the wrong calendar ect.
Could it possibly be, there speeding up time? To get past the reset, tribulation or revelations? I’m just putting this out there is all.
I think revelations is all but over. Obama was the hoped Antichrist. Trump who actually said. He is the chosen one. Could he be playing the second coming? The sacrificial lamb? With all they put him through. Weather it’s all staged or not.
All this stuff fell Into my lap. As I watched this man in the video talk.
I couldn’t comprehend exactly what he said. As far as tech and his knowledge. But doesn’t all these things I mentioned play out correctly? I’ve done videos on everything I mentioned. And this is where it seems to tie together.
I’m not saying it’s fact. I’m saying it all ties together perfectly.
If you think I’m wrong. Do the years of research as I did. And we’ll compare notes.

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