The Ease Of Achievement Is At An All-Time High - A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment

11 months ago

One of the first things my drill instructor told me when I got to boot camp was “son, if show up on time everyday, keep your uniform pressed and your boots shined, I think you might just have a career here”…and I remember thinking…fuuuuuuck, i might have just made a huge mistake.

Because I certainly didn’t sign for 5 fucking years, to be a combat aircrewman with the back world war champs to learn how to just get by…I already know how to just get by, everybody around me is just getting by…I’m trying to be fucking triple alpha chad and my dads in jail so I was hoping that maybe you guys could help me out with that!?

But no, turns out pretty much everybody is just kinda trying ta get by…and if you actually want to be something in life, then you need to find new leadership fucking ASAP! Because it’s a race to the bottom out here and most of these mother fuckers, they think enlightenment and the relentless pursuit of perfection sounds dumb….they don’t care how shit works, life just happens to them and they barely even notice.

The ease of achievement is at an all time high and most people would prefer to not exert any effort beyond what is absolutely necessary to survive

Our herd is a group of weak, fearful, low consciousness individuals and the government…lets just say, the government doesn’t have your best interests at heart…and thats our current leadership.

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