Live Special 2024 -05- A Special Kind of UFO & Paranormal Show -Come join + Pauls multiverse Part2

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Todays Openlines Topics.. Ghost accounts
and images!
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
are working ok before continuing and set up Jitsi voice meet
[00:07:50] (1d) Mike King brings un the royal Kate having cancer which leads
to the Bob Marley bio movie and Netflix 3 body problem tv series just out!
[00:15:00] (1e) Censorship of comedy and cartoons
[00:25:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - Paranormal Videos and Ghost Stories
Paul shows a weird smudge he got on camera that looks
like ghostly hands.
[00:30:00] (3) Paul Multiverse theory that he got from dreams since
aliens visited him in 2020.. that explains everything from Bigfoot Ghosts and
time-slips etc
[00:39:00] (4) Paul draws and explains it
[00:45:00] (4b) Mandela Effect might be real
[00:57:00] (4c) Bigfoots how could they be multiversal?
[01:01:00] (4d) Time Slips and Time Travelling go back and forth
years how it can be done in multiverse but not spacetime!
[01:07:00] (5) Famous Time-Slip acconts Paul rechants
the stories
[01:14:00] (6) Seers??? Nostradamus - Paul plays his old episode
where he saw what Mabus meant about the rise of evil/demon
[01:45:00] (7) Out of Body experiences and dreams that came true!
[01:51:00] (8) Paul has a 4min break now with cool music and alien graphics
[02:03:00] (9) Paul is back and resumes... GHOSTS caught on Camera 7newsAus
[02:41:00] (10) Catch up with comments and see Mike is back
[02:45:30] (11) The problem with SecCam CCTV and IR based cameras
with active IR can cause artifacts cos of compression ghosting and motion
blur and missing data cos object shades of grey blend with background
in compression!
[02:56:37] (12) Firmware bugs in SecCam motion detection and record
can be fooled.. why continuous recording is better
but it still wont alert to movement
[02:59:38] (13) Stealth Silicon Sheets can cloak people from camera
[03:03:00] (14) Blinding IR cameras makes them useless
[03:09:00] (15) Interesting facts on FLIR cameras
[03:18:00] (16) Reading out Ghost accounts/Stories for rest of
the show hoping someone new come on voice and tell their
personal story to us!

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

All Links can be found here to socials and beyond!
our website is listed there
*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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