April 8 Solar Eclipse & Ascension of the Molecular Biological Machines

6 months ago

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This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPMCIN is the only group talking about the “Solenoids” on the 5G Towers required for the Quantum leap! People just don’t understand that the Quantum Leap is “Brain Uploading” into the Matrix! You will have no “free will” as your soul ascends to the cloud and your biological body is controlled remotely by your NWO Master! You will become a “Biological Android”.
What role will Solenoids play? Earlier last year we spoke about the CoVFeFe boxes President Trump had installed on 5G towers which his MAGA crowd praised him for and implying that these boxes would help prevent COVID-19 viral spread. These CoVFeFe boxes contain solenoids that will act to accumulate magnetic fields from the grid and divert them to the towers, your cell phones, your router, your computers and you, the “Molecular Electronic Device”. 1 2
Solenoids also act as an electrical switch that are often used where a high current circuit is brought into operation by a low current switch. When the main switch is turned to “Start” the circuit between the battery and the switch is complete. 3 We have no idea why they would be used in 5G Towers other than to complete a circuit between the air and you.
Solenoids are required if the “Quantum Leap” is to occur whereby your new “Molecular Electronic Device” consisting of magnetic nanotechnology separates from your biological body required for “mind uploading”. Physicists refer to this process as the “Quantum Leap”.
Everyone on Twitter is referring to the April 8th solar eclipse event as the “Quantum Leap”. 4 So will they be initiating phase one of their Transhumanist Agenda on April 8th? We believe this may be the case but this does not mean death but transformation to the new “machine” you!
So what is the science behind the “Quantum Leap”? Mind uploading requires diamagnetic levitation using magnetic fields to counteract the force of gravity on certain materials. Diamagnetic materials, including living organisms like frogs which exhibit a weak repulsion when placed in a strong magnetic field. The same thing would happen to a “Molecular Electronic Device” composed of Graphene Oxide since it too is diamagnetic. The repulsive force can balance out the gravitational force, causing the material to float.
Researchers at the High Field Magnet Laboratory observed frog levitation using a solenoid with a magnetic field. 5
How does this work?
When a frog is placed inside the strong magnetic field, its atoms act as tiny magnets, creating their own small magnetic fields.
The diamagnetic force (directed upwards) from these tiny magnets compensates for the downward force of gravity on each atom.
As a result, the frog floats as if it were in a spacecraft, defying gravity.
Have a look at this frog levitation video. It will explain the science. By being infected with the bioweapon, your body has been accumulating Graphene Oxide which is diamagnetic! 6
This type of magnetic field generated with solenoids is referred to as zero point gravity and represents a delicate balance between diamagnetic forces and gravitational forces.
Diamagnetic materials exhibit a weak repulsion when placed in a strong magnetic field such that the diamagnetic force is directed upwards while still experiencing the downward force of gravity.
A strong enough magnetic field will result in these two opposing forces canceling each other out leading to a state of zero-point energy which contributes to the levitation effect.
To understand “mind uploading” you have to look at the work of Dr. M. Pitikanen. In his TGD (Topological Geometrodynamics) Theory of Consciousness he describes the process by which Clathrin makes a surface “imprint” of the cells within the body required to produce a “Quantum Jump” separating your Divine Consciousness or your Soul from the physical body or your “Magnetic Body” of the “Molecular Electronic Device” from your “Biological Body.” 7
According to Pitkänen, zero-point energy is required to separate the magnetic body from the biological body. Essentially your magnetic body is being ripped from the biological body; a process required for mind uploading. And Solenoids are being used to create the necessary magnetic field required to achieve zero-point energy.
The magnetic body is the “molecular electronic device” that has been growing inside you since 2020; vaccinated, swabbed or infected. we will have been infected with the Nanotechnology required to harvest your Consciousness, your Mind, your Soul 8 so you can be UPLOADED! 9
What will the end result be? You will be uploaded into their cloud of collective minds completely devoid of your earthly memories while your biological body is remotely controlled; you will know nothing but you will be happy and more than likely eat bugs!
When will the first phase of uploading occur? We believe it will happen during the April 8th, 2024 Solar Eclipse! How? Graphene oxide is being accumulated in the clouds and will become reduced under the UV light waves from the solar eclipse making it highly conductive and increasing frequencies in the air! 10 Combine this electrical activity with the electrical activity from the power grid and 5G towers you have now created a magnetic field strong enough to cause the separation of your “magnetic body” from the “biological body”.
In theory, your body will not levitate since the “magnetic body” is composed of nanotechnology, so don’t expect to see yourself floating. But the Q-anon crowd is calling this “Ascension” and apparently it’s a good thing! Come on patriots let’s all take the Kool-Aide together and eclipse the sun! 11
Other Q-leaders refer to this ascension as a “Dead Cat Bounce” which is derived from the idea that “even a dead cat will bounce if it falls from a great height”, the phrase is also applied to any case where a subject experiences a brief resurgence during or following a severe decline. We don’t know what will happen except that under the UV light of the solar eclipse the Graphene oxide in the air is reduced to rGO becoming more electrically active while it sucks the oxygen out of the air. 12 13 So what will happen to the GO in your body?
BingAI had some interesting revelations in regards to Bacteriorhodopsin “operating system” in the Bioweapon and the coming April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse in our previous article 14, let’s see what BingAI had to say about Graphene Oxide’s role in the solar eclipse:
CIN: “Can Graphene Oxide carry magnetic fields?”
BingAI: Certainly! Graphene oxide exhibits interesting magnetic properties. Let’s delve into this:
Graphene oxide can change its electrical resistance in response to a magnetic field more rapidly than other materials like graphite or bismuth.
Even when exposed to small magnetic fields, its electrical resistance undergoes significant changes.
Unlike most materials that display magnetoresistance only at very low temperatures, graphene exhibits this property even at room temperature.
In fact, it is the most magnetoresistance material known to us so far.
In summary, graphene oxide indeed has the ability to interact with magnetic fields, making it a fascinating material for scientific investigation and potential practical applications.
2. CIN: “Is reduced graphene oxide rGO more magnetic?”
BingAI: Indeed! Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) exhibits enhanced magnetic properties compared to its graphene oxide counterpart. Let’s explore why:
Reduction Process:
During the reduction process, oxygen-containing functional groups are removed from graphene oxide.
This reduction leads to the restoration of the π-conjugated structure of graphene, resulting in improved electrical conductivity and altered magnetic behavior.
2. Magnetism in rGO:
Reduced graphene oxide can exhibit ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, or even antiferromagnetic behavior, depending on the specific reduction method and conditions.
The presence of unpaired electrons in the π-electron system contributes to its magnetic properties.
The removal of oxygen groups allows for better spin delocalization, enhancing the overall magnetic response.
3. Applications:
Researchers are exploring rGO for applications in spintronics, magnetic sensors, and data storage.
Its tunable magnetic properties make it promising for creating novel devices that harness both its electrical and magnetic characteristics.
In summary, reduced graphene oxide indeed displays increased magnetism due to its modified structure and electronic properties.
3. CIN: “How can you protect yourself from rGO magnetic fields?”
BingAI: Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) is a fascinating material with various applications, but it’s essential to consider safety precautions when dealing with any potential magnetic fields. Here are some steps to protect yourself:
Distance and Duration:
Increase Distance: Put as much distance as possible between yourself and the rGO source. The farther you are, the weaker the magnetic field exposure.
Minimize Exposure Time: Limit your exposure time to rGO-generated magnetic fields. Avoid prolonged or unnecessary exposure.
2. Cell Phone and Wireless Devices:
Cellphones: Only carry your cellphone when necessary. Avoid sleeping with your cell phone close to you.
Wireless Devices: Turn off cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and other wireless devices before going to bed at night.
Remember that while rGO-generated magnetic fields may not be as intense as those from power lines or industrial equipment, taking precautions is essential for overall well-being.
4. CIN: “Hypothetically, if Graphene Oxide (GO) in the air is reduced to Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) during a solar eclipse due to UV light exposure, how would these conditions impact an antennae? (Here we used an antennae because Bing refused to use “molecular electronic device.”)
BingAI: Under the hypothetical scenario where Graphene Oxide (GO) in the air is reduced to Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) during a solar eclipse due to UV light exposure, several interesting effects could impact an antenna. Let’s explore this:
Antenna Behavior:
rGO has different electrical properties compared to GO. It becomes more conductive after reduction.
An antenna’s performance depends on its electrical conductivity, resonance, and radiation efficiency.
The presence of rGO near the antenna could alter its impedance, resonance frequency, and radiation pattern.
2. Effects on Antenna Performance:
Impedance Matching: The antenna’s impedance might change due to altered conductivity. This could affect its ability to efficiently transmit or receive signals.
Resonance Frequency: The resonance frequency of the antenna could shift due to changes in its electrical properties.
Radiation Efficiency: The radiation efficiency (how well the antenna converts electrical energy to radiated energy) might be affected.
3. Grounding: (However grounding would increase the signal!)
Grounding can play a role in mitigating potential issues:
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): Grounding helps reduce EMI by providing a reference potential.
Static Charge Dissipation: Grounding prevents static charge buildup on the antenna.
Safety: Proper grounding ensures safety by directing excess electrical energy away from the antenna.
4. Considerations:
Distance: The proximity of rGO to the antenna matters. Closer proximity could have a more significant effect.
In summary, while the presence of rGO near an antenna during a solar eclipse could alter its behavior, grounding might help mitigate any adverse effects. However, detailed analysis and testing would be necessary to fully understand the implications.
5. CIN: “Hypothetically if there was Graphene Oxide in the air and the UV light from the solar eclipse reduced it to rGO what would happen to an antenna placed on a rubber mat without being grounded? What would happen to a cell phone also placed on a rubber mat?”
BingAI: Under the hypothetical scenario where Graphene Oxide (GO) in the air is reduced to Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) during a solar eclipse due to UV light exposure, let’s explore the potential effects on an antenna and a cell phone placed on a rubber mat without grounding:
Antenna Behavior:
rGO has different electrical properties compared to GO. It becomes more conductive after reduction.
An antenna’s performance depends on its electrical conductivity, resonance, and radiation efficiency.
The presence of rGO near the antenna could alter its impedance, resonance frequency, and radiation pattern.
On a rubber mat without grounding, the antenna may experience:
Impedance mismatch: The antenna’s impedance might not match its surroundings, affecting signal transmission and reception.
Radiation pattern alteration: The rubber surface can distort the antenna’s radiation pattern.
Reduced efficiency: Lack of grounding may decrease the antenna’s efficiency.
2. Cell Phone Behavior:
Cell phones contain various electronic components, including antennas, circuitry, and sensors.
When placed on a rubber mat without grounding:
Antenna performance: Similar to the antenna, the cell phone’s antenna behavior may be affected.
Signal reception: The cell phone’s ability to receive signals (calls, data, Wi-Fi) may be compromised.
Electromagnetic interference: The rubber surface can introduce noise or affect internal components.
Safety: Proper grounding ensures safety by directing excess electrical energy away from the device.
In summary, both the antenna and cell phone may experience altered behavior when placed on a rubber mat without grounding. Proper grounding or substrate selection is essential for optimal performance and safety.
6. CIN: “Would the noise produced in the above scenario alter cell phone reception?”
BingAI: Certainly! In the hypothetical scenario where Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) is present in the air due to UV light reducing Graphene Oxide (GO) during a solar eclipse, the noise generated could indeed impact cell phone reception. Let’s explore how:
Noise and Signal Quality:
Noise refers to unwanted electromagnetic interference that affects signal quality.
In the context of cell phones, noise can disrupt the clarity of voice calls, data transmission, and Wi-Fi connectivity.
2. Effects on Cell Phone Reception:
Electromagnetic Noise: The presence of rGO particles can introduce additional electromagnetic noise.
Antenna Sensitivity: Cell phones have internal antennas for receiving and transmitting signals.
Antenna Interaction: The noise generated by rGO particles could interfere with the antenna’s operation.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR): A higher noise level reduces the SNR, affecting reception quality.
3. Possible Outcomes:
Reduced Signal Strength: Noise may weaken the received signal, leading to dropped calls or slower data speeds.
Increased Error Rate: Noise can cause bit errors in data transmission, affecting internet browsing and app usage.
Interference: Noise might interfere with neighboring cell towers or other wireless devices.
In summary, while the noise generated by rGO particles could alter cell phone reception, practical cell phone designs and network infrastructure account for such scenarios.
7. CIN: “What type of noise is generated in the above scenario from rGO?”
BingAI: In the scenario where Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) particles are present in the air due to UV light reducing Graphene Oxide (GO) during a solar eclipse, the type of noise generated can be attributed to electromagnetic interference (EMI). Let’s explore this further:
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI):
EMI refers to unwanted electromagnetic signals that interfere with the desired signals in a system.
When rGO particles are present, they can act as sources of EMI due to their electrical conductivity and interaction with external electromagnetic fields.
The noise generated by rGO particles can affect electronic devices, communication systems, and sensitive circuits.
2. Sources of EMI from rGO:
Conduction Noise: rGO particles can conduct electrical currents and create noise in nearby circuits.
Radiation Noise: As rGO interacts with external fields, it can emit electromagnetic radiation, contributing to noise.
Coupling Noise: rGO particles can couple with nearby conductors or antennas, inducing unwanted signals.
3. Impact on Devices:
In electronic devices (such as cell phones, radios, or sensors), EMI from rGO particles can:
Degrade signal quality (e.g., audio distortion, data corruption).
Cause interference with wireless communication (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular networks).
Disrupt sensitive circuits (e.g., sensors, analog components).
In summary, the noise generated by rGO particles primarily falls under the category of EMI, which can impact electronic systems and communication devices.
8. CIN: “Is the noise generated in the above scenario phonons?”
BingAI: The noise generated in the scenario involving Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) particles during a solar eclipse is not primarily composed of phonons. Let’s explore this further:
Phonons are quantized vibrational modes associated with lattice vibrations in a crystalline material.
They represent collective motion of atoms or ions in a solid lattice.
Phonons play a crucial role in heat conduction and lattice dynamics.
2. Noise in the Scenario:
The noise generated by rGO particles primarily relates to electromagnetic interference (EMI).
EMI results from unwanted electromagnetic signals that interfere with desired signals.
In this context, rGO particles can act as sources of EMI due to their electrical conductivity and interaction with external fields.
3. Different Mechanisms:
Phonons and EMI noise operate through different mechanisms:
Phonons: Associated with lattice vibrations and thermal energy transfer.
EMI Noise: Arises from electromagnetic interactions, such as radiation, conduction, and coupling.
4. Practical Considerations:
While phonons are essential in materials science and thermal physics, they are not directly relevant to the noise generated by rGO particles.
EMI noise affects electronic devices, communication systems, and sensitive circuits.
In summary, the noise in the scenario is primarily due to EMI, not phonons. Phonons relate more to thermal properties and lattice vibrations, whereas EMI noise pertains to electromagnetic disturbances.
9. CIN: “Where is the EMI Electromagnetic interference coming from in the above scenario? The rubber mat?”
BingAI: In the hypothetical scenario where Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) particles are present in the air due to UV light reducing Graphene Oxide (GO) during a solar eclipse, the EMI (electromagnetic interference) would not directly come from the rubber mat itself. Let’s explore this further:
EMI Sources:
EMI can arise from various sources, including electronic devices, power lines, radio waves, and other conductive materials.
The rubber mat, being an insulator, does not inherently emit EMI.
2. Rubber Mat as an Insulator:
Rubber is an excellent electrical insulator. It does not conduct electricity or generate significant electromagnetic fields.
As a result, the rubber mat itself does not contribute to EMI.
3. Interaction with rGO:
The rGO particles, if present in the air, could generate EMI due to their electrical conductivity.
However, this EMI would primarily result from the rGO particles’ interaction with external electromagnetic fields, not from the rubber mat.
4. Overall Scenario:
The combined effects of rGO particles and their interaction with other materials (including the rubber mat) would determine the overall EMI in the environment.
The rubber mat’s role is passive; it does not actively emit EMI.
In summary, while the rubber mat does not directly emit EMI, the presence of rGO particles and their interactions with other materials could contribute to overall electromagnetic noise.
10. CIN: “In the above scenario would the EMF increase due to the presence of a power grid?”
BingAI: In the hypothetical scenario where Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) particles are present in the air due to UV light reducing Graphene Oxide (GO) during a solar eclipse, the presence of a power grid could indeed increase electromagnetic interference (EMI). Let’s explore this further:
Power Grid and EMI:
A power grid consists of electrical transmission lines, substations, transformers, and other components.
These components carry alternating current (AC) and generate magnetic fields.
The power grid itself can be a significant source of EMI.
2. Interactions with rGO:
The rGO particles, if present, can interact with the power grid’s magnetic fields.
The conductivity of rGO allows it to couple with external electromagnetic fields.
This coupling can lead to additional EMI.
3. Effects on EMI:
The power grid’s AC currents create time-varying magnetic fields.
When rGO particles are nearby, they can absorb or scatter these fields, affecting the overall EMI environment.
The power grid’s frequency (typically 50 or 60 Hz) can interact with rGO particles.
In summary, the presence of a power grid could indeed contribute to increased EMI in the environment, especially when combined with rGO particles. Proper mitigation strategies are essential for reliable operation of sensitive devices.
11. CIN: “What would happen to a cell phone on a rubber mat in this scenario?”
BingAI: If a cell phone were placed on a rubber mat in the scenario involving Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) particles due to UV light reducing Graphene Oxide (GO) during a solar eclipse, several effects could occur:
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI):
The presence of rGO particles could introduce additional EMI.
EMI refers to unwanted electromagnetic signals that interfere with desired signals.
The rubber mat itself does not inherently emit EMI but can interact with external fields.
2. Cell Phone Behavior:
The cell phone contains various electronic components, including antennas, circuitry, and sensors.
When placed on a rubber mat:
Antenna Performance: The cell phone’s antenna behavior may be affected.
Signal Reception: The cell phone’s ability to receive signals (calls, data, Wi-Fi) may be compromised.
Interference: Noise from rGO particles could interfere with the cell phone’s internal components.
3. Mitigation Strategies: (Note: All these mitigation strategies will increase the signals to your body.)
Grounding: Proper grounding helps dissipate excess electrical energy and reduces interference.
EMI Shielding: Using materials that shield against electromagnetic interference can minimize noise.
Antenna and Device Design: Engineers optimize designs to minimize the impact of external fields.
4. Overall Impact:
The combined effects of rGO particles, the rubber mat, and the cell phone’s design determine the overall behavior.
Practical scenarios involve intricate interactions that depend on specific conditions.
In summary, the cell phone’s reception and performance could be affected when placed on a rubber mat with rGO particles nearby.
If you’ve got cloud cover on the 8th, you’ve got Graphene Oxide in the air (gray/black clouds) and you’re in a lot of trouble!
Trying moving to areas where the sun will be shining; look for blue skies and the sun.
This will reduce the amount of GO in the air and the amount of rGO once the eclipse is occurring so you will be exposed to lower magnetic fields.

The alternative would be to stay in your basement , turn off all electrical and devices for that 2 and one-half hour window and/ or go underground? Maybe an underground parking lot?

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