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Turkey M1935 Mauser Bayonet and Turkish Scabbard sheath. AS.FA, Askari Fabrika (military factory)

9 months ago

SHOW AND TELL [165]: Turkey M1935 Mauser Bayonet and Turkish Scabbard sheath. AS.FA, Askari Fabrika (military factory)

World of Bayonets page section on Bayonets of Turkey, M1935 : https://worldbayonets.com/Bayonet_Identification_Guide/Turkey/turkey_2.html#1935

Wikipedia lead article on Turkish Mauser : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_Mauser

Wikipedia article on Bayonet : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayonet

Wikipedia article on Scabbard : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scabbard