Planet Fitness Gets The Bud Light Treatment: Loses $400 Million Following Trans Locker Room Brouhaha

5 months ago

You hate to see it, but more than that, you love to see it. After terminating the membership of a woman who reported a man in the women's locker room, Planet Fitness has taken a hit where it hurts: the wallet. Planet Fitness looses $400 million in 5 days after banning female customer who exposed a transgender male in a women’s locker room. The companies value dropped from $5.3 billion on March 14 to $4.9 billion on March 19 during a week which saw thousands call for boycotts and cancellation of memberships. The massive loses come after Planet Fitness refused to back down after banning a woman who exposed a trans man shaving in a women’s locker room. Patricia Silva was barred from the gym in Alaska after she exposed the man. The company however defended allowing males in women’s spaces saying “this discomfort is not a reason to deny access to the transgender member…” Shares at the company are also down a sharp 13.59% compared to February.

Exclusive interview with woman banned for exposing Planet Fitness: New details emerge in my conversation with Patricia Silva, the woman whose membership Planet Fitness revoked after she exposed a man shaving in the women’s bathroom. While she is punished for standing up for women, Planet Fitness is continuing to allow men to enter women's spaces. Patricia is hoping to inspire others to speak out if they encounter a similar situation and to protect women's safety.

Yahoo! Finance: 'Give Planet Fitness The Bud Light Treatment' — Calls Grow To Boycott Gym After String Of Sexual Abuse From Men In Women's Bathrooms
• More at: Twitchy - Planet Fitness Gets the Bud Light Treatment: Loses $400 MILLION Following Trans Locker Room Brouhaha

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