‘I wish for death' - 12-year-old orphan in Gaza

1 month ago


Many children have lost entire families during Israeli attacks on Gaza.
Twelve-year-old Alma, fled bombing and shelling twice before the third place they sheltered was bombed,
She was rescued from the rubble only to find out both her parents and all four of her siblings had been killed.
She found her 18-month-old brother in an unimaginable state.
Video contains distressing content.

'If we were loving our children, there could not have been so many wars in the world. Who is the parent who will send his children to war? If we were loving our children the world could not have become so ugly. If we were loving our children, I go as far as to say, we would not have given birth to children... because which loving parent will be ready to give birth to their children in this ugly and dirty world? They will excuse themselves, saying, "How to bring our children into such a world? Tomorrow, when we face them, we will feel so ashamed in front of them that we gave birth to them in this world. How to send them out into this ugly world full of (madness) immorality and darkness?" Parents would have refused to give birth to children if they had love in their hearts.'


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