6 months ago

RFK Jr: ‘The New York Times Is Essentially an Instrument of the Democratic Party’

He’s not wrong.

This fiery comment occurred during a tense debate with NYT reporter Astead Herndon:

KENNEDY: “‘The New York Times’ is essentially an instrument of the Democratic Party.”

HERNDON: “I understand you’re making an institutional argument. I’m asking — I’m asking about the work that we do, and I’m posing a question to you —“

KENNEDY: “You’ve been making institutional arguments against me since this started. You know, you [NYT] are an instrument of the DNC ... What you’re doing is to try to spin this in some way that it’s going to help Biden and hurt Trump and get rid of any threat to that narrow guardrail — in the guardrail contest that ‘The New York Times’ approves of. And it’s just not right for our country, and I’m not going to go along with it.”

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