Episode 1978: Living the Faith: Justice and God's Will

3 months ago

We delve into the timeless wisdom of Catholic teachings and explore how they guide us in navigating the complexities of life. We'll be reflecting on two powerful quotes that offer profound insights into living out our Catholic faith amidst the challenges of the world.
Our first quote comes from Blessed Miguel Pro, a courageous Mexican priest who lived during a time of great persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico.
Blessed Miguel Pro, also known as Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez, was born on January 13, 1891, in Guadalupe, Zacatecas, Mexico. He was the third of eleven children born to Rafael Pro and Josefa Juárez, a devout Catholic family deeply committed to their faith.
From a young age, Miguel demonstrated a strong religious devotion and a desire to serve God. He entered the Jesuit novitiate in El Llano, Michoacán, in 1911, and later continued his studies in Spain and Belgium. Despite facing challenges due to political turmoil and anti-Catholic sentiment in Mexico, Miguel remained steadfast in his vocation and was ordained a priest in Belgium in 1925.

Upon returning to Mexico, Father Pro devoted himself to serving the faithful amidst growing persecution of the Catholic Church under the presidency of Plutarco Elías Calles. The government had enacted strict anti-clerical laws, leading to the suppression of religious activities and the arrest of priests.
Despite the dangers, Father Pro continued to minister to his parishioners, often adopting disguises to evade authorities who sought to arrest him. He celebrated Mass in secret, heard confessions, and provided spiritual guidance to those in need. His courage and dedication to his faith inspired many, earning him the nickname "Padre Pro."
In addition to his pastoral work, Father Pro was involved in assisting those affected by the social and economic hardships of the time. He worked tirelessly to alleviate poverty and suffering, demonstrating a deep commitment to social justice rooted in his Catholic faith.
However, Father Pro's activities eventually caught the attention of the Mexican government, and he was falsely accused of involvement in an assassination attempt on a former Mexican president. Despite lacking evidence, he was arrested and sentenced to death without a fair trial.

On November 23, 1927, Father Miguel Pro was executed by a firing squad. His last words were reported to be, "¡Viva Cristo Rey!" ("Long live Christ the King!"), affirming his unwavering faith and allegiance to Christ even in the face of death.
Following his martyrdom, Father Pro became a symbol of courage and faithfulness to Catholicism in Mexico. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II on September 25, 1988, and is considered a martyr for the faith. Today, Blessed Miguel Pro is revered as a patron saint of Mexico and an inspiration to Catholics around the world for his steadfast devotion to Christ and his unwavering commitment to proclaiming the Gospel, even in the midst of persecution. There was an excellent movie called “For the Greater Glory” that covers this and the Freemasons didn’t like it much.
He said, "We ought to speak, shout out against injustices, with confidence and without fear. We proclaim the principles of the Church, the reign of love, without forgetting that it is also a reign of justice."
In this statement, Blessed Miguel Pro reminds us of our duty as Catholics to stand up against injustice, even in the face of fear and opposition. As followers of Christ, we are called to be voices for the voiceless, champions of truth and defenders of the vulnerable. The principles of love and justice are inseparable in the Catholic faith, and we cannot proclaim one without the other.
let's break down Blessed Miguel Pro's quote from a traditional Catholic perspective:

"We ought to speak, shout out against injustices, with confidence and without fear."

This part of the quote emphasizes the importance of speaking out against injustices. From a traditional Catholic perspective, this aligns with the teachings of Jesus Christ, who Himself confronted injustice and oppression during His earthly ministry. Catholics are called to be advocates for truth, justice, and the dignity of every human person. Speaking out against injustices reflects the commitment to uphold the moral principles of the Church and defend the rights of the marginalized and vulnerable.
"We proclaim the principles of the Church, the reign of love..."

Here, Blessed Miguel Pro highlights the role of Catholics in proclaiming the principles of the Church. These principles are rooted in the Gospel message of love, compassion, and solidarity with others. Traditional Catholics understand the Church as the body of Christ on earth, entrusted with the mission of spreading God's love and mercy to all people. Proclaiming the principles of the Church involves living out the faith authentically and bearing witness to the transformative power of God's love in the world.

"...without forgetting that it is also a reign of justice."

This part underscores the inseparable connection between love and justice in Catholic teaching. From a traditional Catholic perspective, justice is an essential component of love. True love seeks the well-being and flourishing of all people, and this includes working towards a more just and equitable society. In the Catholic tradition, justice is grounded in the recognition of the inherent dignity of every human person, created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, proclaiming the reign of love also entails striving for justice, ensuring that all individuals are treated with fairness, respect, and dignity.

In summary, Blessed Miguel Pro's quote from a traditional Catholic perspective highlights the duty of Catholics to speak out against injustices with confidence, to proclaim the principles of the Church rooted in love, and to remember that love and justice are inseparable aspects of God's reign.
Our second quote comes from Father Jacques Philippe, a renowned spiritual author, who offers profound wisdom on discerning God's will in our lives. Father Jacques Philippe is a well-respected French Catholic priest, author, and spiritual director known for his insightful writings on the spiritual life and Christian spirituality. While specific biographical details may vary, here is a general overview of his life:

Father Jacques Philippe was born in Lorraine, France, in 1947. He entered the Community of the Beatitudes, a Catholic community founded in France in the 1970s that emphasizes contemplative prayer, community life, and evangelization. He was ordained a priest in 1985.

Throughout his priesthood, Father Jacques has dedicated himself to preaching retreats, giving spiritual direction, and writing books on spirituality. His writings often focus on themes such as prayer, trust in God, inner peace, and the spiritual life. He has a unique gift for communicating profound spiritual truths in a clear and accessible manner, making his works widely appreciated by Catholics and Christians of various backgrounds.

Some of Father Jacques Philippe's most well-known books include "Time for God," "Searching for and Maintaining Peace," "Interior Freedom," "Thirsting for Prayer," and "The Way of Trust and Love." These books have been translated into multiple languages and have had a significant impact on the spiritual lives of countless individuals around the world.

Father Jacques Philippe's gentle yet profound insights into the Christian life have earned him recognition as a leading spiritual writer of our time. He continues to travel internationally, leading retreats and conferences, and sharing his wisdom on topics related to prayer, spirituality, and Christian living. Through his ministry, Father Jacques has inspired many to deepen their relationship with God and grow in holiness.
He said, "When uncertain about God’s will, it is very important that we tell ourselves: ‘Even if there are aspects of God’s will that escape me, there are always others that I know for sure and can invest in without any risk, knowing that this investment always pays dividends.’ These certainties include fulfilling the duties of our state in life and practicing the essential points of every Christian vocation."
Father Jacques Philippe reminds us that while we may not always understand God's will in its entirety, there are certain constants in our faith that we can always rely on. Our daily duties, our commitments to prayer, our trust in God, and our love for those around us are all integral aspects of living out God's will in our lives. Instead of becoming consumed by uncertainty about the future, we are called to focus on living fully in the present moment, embracing the opportunities for grace and growth that God presents to us each day.
let's break down Father Jacques Philippe's quote from a traditional Catholic perspective:
"When uncertain about God’s will, it is very important that we tell ourselves: ‘Even if there are aspects of God’s will that escape me..."

This part emphasizes the humility required in discerning God's will. In traditional Catholic teaching, discernment involves seeking God's guidance while recognizing the limitations of human understanding. It acknowledges that God's ways are often beyond our comprehension, and His will may not always be immediately clear to us. This humility is rooted in the recognition of God's sovereignty and wisdom, which surpass our own.

"...there are always others that I know for sure and can invest in without any risk, knowing that this investment always pays dividends."

Here, Father Jacques Philippe encourages trust in God's providence and the certainty of certain aspects of His will. Traditional Catholics believe that God reveals His will to us through various means, including Scripture, the teachings of the Church, the sacraments, and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. By faithfully fulfilling our daily duties and living out the essential aspects of our Christian vocation, such as love, prayer, and fidelity to the teachings of the Church, we align ourselves with God's will and experience His grace and blessings.

"Lacking answers about the future, we should prepare to receive them by living today to the full.”
This part emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and faithfully responding to God's will in our everyday lives. Traditional Catholic spirituality emphasizes the value of each moment and the opportunity it presents for growing in holiness and serving God. Rather than becoming preoccupied with uncertainties about the future, Catholics are called to focus on living faithfully in the present, trusting that God will guide and provide for us as we seek to follow Him.

In summary, Father Jacques Philippe's quote from a traditional Catholic perspective underscores the importance of humility, trust in God's providence, and faithful living in the present moment as essential aspects of discerning and fulfilling God's will in our lives.

So, how do these two quotes intersect in our lives as Catholics? How do we reconcile the call to speak out against injustice with the need to trust in God's will, even in uncertain times?
First and foremost, we must recognize that our actions in pursuit of justice are themselves an expression of God's will. When we stand up for the marginalized, when we advocate for the oppressed, when we work towards building a more just and compassionate society, we are participating in God's plan for the world.
At the same time, we must trust that God is present in the midst of our struggles and uncertainties. Even when we don't have all the answers, even when we can't see the full picture of God's plan, we can take comfort in knowing that God is always with us, guiding us and sustaining us with His grace.
Now lets end this episode with a scripture reading.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the holy Spirit." –Romans 15:13

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing..."

This verse begins with a prayerful invocation to the "God of hope." In traditional Catholic theology, God is understood as the ultimate source of hope, the foundation upon which all believers place their trust and confidence. Here, St. Paul expresses the desire that God, who is the very embodiment of hope, would fill believers with joy and peace through their faith in Him.
The joy and peace mentioned here are not fleeting emotions but rather spiritual gifts that flow from a deep and abiding faith in God. In the Catholic tradition, joy is understood as a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22), a deep-seated sense of contentment and gladness that transcends circumstances. Peace, likewise, is a gift from God that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7), providing believers with a profound sense of tranquility and harmony even in the midst of trials and tribulations.

"...so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
St. Paul continues by emphasizing the role of the Holy Spirit in fostering hope within believers. In traditional Catholic teaching, the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, the one who sanctifies, empowers, and guides the faithful in their journey of faith. It is through the Holy Spirit that believers are filled with hope, the confident expectation of God's promises.

The hope spoken of here is not mere wishful thinking but a firm assurance of God's faithfulness and goodness. It is a hope that transcends the uncertainties and challenges of life, anchored in the promises of God revealed in Scripture and fulfilled in Christ. This hope enables believers to face trials with courage, to persevere in faithfulness, and to look forward with confidence to the fulfillment of God's kingdom.

In summary, Romans 15:13, from a traditional Catholic perspective, underscores the central role of God in bestowing joy, peace, and hope upon believers through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a reminder of the profound blessings that flow from a life grounded in faith and trust in God's promises.
As we conclude today's episode, let us reflect on these words of Blessed Miguel Pro and Father Jacques Philippe. Let us be bold in our pursuit of justice, confident in the knowledge that God is on the side of the oppressed. And let us trust in God's providence, knowing that even in the midst of uncertainty, He is leading us towards His perfect will.

Thank you for joining me and until next time, may God bless you and keep you in His love. Now go out and convert somebody. Good Day!

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