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15 seconds

migrants rushing a portion of the US border fence in El Paso, Texas.

9 months ago

New video shows migrants rushing a portion of the US border fence in El Paso, Texas. The circumstances that led to the incident are unclear.
we're screwed these mother fathers that think biden is doing a good job
Hopefully all the Biden voters can take them in and support them.
This is all so scary and sad 💔😞
paint ball guns💪
They get your house soon for free


1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • New video shows migrants rushing a portion of the US border fence in El Paso, Texas. The circumstances that led to the incident are unclear. we're screwed these mother fathers that think biden is doing a good job Hopefully all the Biden voters can take them in and support them. This is all so scary and sad 💔😞 paint ball guns💪 They get your house soon for free FREE TRAINING MONEY ONLINE-https://bit.ly/44W6Hrh

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