Ryan Kuhlenbeck of Pico MES joins us to talk about software solutions for your factory floor workers

11 months ago

With a background as an engineer on the production front lines for GM and Tesla, Ryan Kuhlenbeck set out to found a tech company focused on helping the floor operators solve their biggest problems. He's co-founder and CEO of Pico MES (https://www.picomes.com/), which facilitates solutions such as visual task instructions on screens right on front of the worker, ready communication channels to management and plant technical resources, and computer-connected tools to error-proof the job.

Ryan tells us about the risks, rewards, and hard work of launching his own tech company, and talks about all the different solutions Pico MES brings to its customers. He shares some of the actual breakthrough results folks in the field are seeing after bringing his tech to their floors.

This episode aired originally on YouTube on December 5, 2023.

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