Taxes - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues

3 months ago


You pay your taxes because someone had to print the money and also you don't know just how much the government makes your life liveable to the quality of life standard that you expect. NIST makes your peanut butter able to be as cheap as it is by making standard peanut butter that Skippy and other manufacturers use to calibrate their equipment to keep their consumers happy and also to retain that "taste" which you notice as different from other brands. Plus, as a veteran, someone else is now in the military and they should be paid.

Social Security is stupid but it should be paid since, well, it was already promised to this generation and every other generation. Instead of paying it with taxes, we should just print the money which we give to grannie.

I don't think it is wrong to coerce a criminal with force to stop mugging me. The Libertarian Party is inherently wrong and should have no role in a serious society.

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