The Gods conflicts.

10 months ago

Anẓar, god of rain in Berber mythology.
Achek, wife of the rain god Deng in Dinka mythology
Mangwe, a water spirit known as "the flooder" in the beliefs of the Ila people of Zambia[1]
Oya, goddess of violent rainstorms in Yoruba mythology
Sinvula, god of rain in Bantu mythology
Nanvula/Nomvula goddess of rain Bantu mythology
Mbaba Mwana Waresa, goddess of rain in Bantu mythology
Mpulu Bunzi, god of rain in Kongo mythology.
Bunzi, goddess of rain in Woyo mythology (Kongo).
Saa ngmin, God of rain in Dagaaba mythology (Upper West Region of Ghana)
Fwha, Goddess of rain, fertile regions, and the rainy season in Akan mythology
Amosu, name means 'Giver of Rain' from Akan mythology

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