Post Office Agreement an UNENFORCEABLE Waste of Space

10 months ago

Post Office Barrister Richard Morgan KC describes the Post Office's proposed settlement agreement - or Tomlin order - for Lee Castleton as an UNEFORCEABLE Waste of Space when he is questioned about it by Jason Beer KC at the Post Office Inquiry.

He regarded that clients normally 'ask for the moon' in such settlements 'when they have no need for it'.

One clause of the settlement agreement proposed for Lee Castleton was that he could not criticise the Horizon system and that if he did so he would be agreeing to submit to a Post Office Injunction preventing him from doing it again and paying them 'approximate' damages of £25,000.

#PostOfficeInquiry #PostOfficeScandal #PostOffice #PostOfficeLegal #PostOfficeBarrister #RichardMorganKC #LeeCastleton #MarineDrive

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