"Hey! It's all ball bearings nowadays!" Beau Hallavant tells us all about WD Bearing Group

2 months ago

Our big day at the American Gear Manufacturers Association's Motion + Power Technology Expo was rolling right along as we progressed through the afternoon!

Beau Hallavant sat down with us for Episode 69 and told us all about his company, WD Bearing Group. Now, you may think ball bearings are an industry that's pretty locked down and disruption-proof, but think again. By doing things differently, WD Bearing has chalked up a growth rate that almost anyone will envy. (It's saying a lot when their Director of Sales is thinking maybe a little LESS growth might be okay...)

Tune in and hear all about how they made that happen!

(Bonus points if you can name the movie this episode's title is a quote from - put it in the comments, please!)

This episode aired originally on YouTube on October 18, 2023.

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