I had a dream about the April #eclips before the newspapers

11 months ago

What I am about to talk about is not intended to be received in fear or to create a mystic astrology stance on reading the times, but it is supposed to be received as an invitation to pay attention to the times that we are in. Scripture clearly states:

Luke 21:25–31 says, "And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves."

Genesis 1:14 God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years."

With that being said, take the following to prayer, consider your role in this context, and if you do not pray to the almighty Aldoni, this is an invitation for you to accept Him to lead your life.

I had a dream about the eclipse on Monday, February 20, 2024. Noting nothing beforehand of this event.

I and a group of friends were uptown in a popular restaurant. We decided to take our fellowship time elsewhere after being invited to their home since the restaurant was closing.

In my dream, it was a known commonality that demonic demonstrations of storm clouds would come rolling in and rolling out once or twice a day, and would transfigure the landscape when tornadoes would touch down. It was only when we would pray that they would head in the other direction.

We had been walking for a while after exiting the restaurant when darkness surrounded us. I looked up at the sun, and it was blotted out by a double moon mirage, with the sun behind them having a ring around the entire surface. It was blue, and then turned silver, almost like a spaceship in texture. I looked around, and the people around us were dead in their tracks, looking at the sky, not moving.

After a few seconds, the light returned, and the people around acted as if nothing had happened.

At this time, we began to get thirsty as the sun reappeared. There were maps in the mouth of a person I was walking with, as it seemed my cell phone was not giving me directions as a GPS. I walked into a convenience store to get some water. Within the store, there were all types of national groups, about 40 people other than Americans, who were here in the store. There were Haitians, Mexicans, Colombians, etc., who were all doing business. When I tried to check out with my waters, they said the methods that I normally used for payment were not accepted, and I was shunned for trying to pay with regular payment methods. That was the dream I had. When I woke up, my wife pointed to an article explaining exactly what I had seen the eclipse to be, the double moon and the ring around the sun, including that it would give off an appearance of blue.

I do know that, as stated earlier, Jesus created signs up in the heavens for seasons and determined signs. I do not believe this is going to be a second coming as written in Revelation, but I do believe that God has given this time for us to be hands and feet of His extended heaven, to reach out and pray, intercede for the nations and people who are lost and do not know Him as their personal Lord and Savior. I also believe that there is no greater, more important time than this to pause, listen, receive, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us into what He has for us to press into. To act, petition our government and the leaders around us, and even hold churches accountable for false doctrine and a false Antichrist spirit. But number one, to be ready and examine our hearts so we do not run out of oil when the Lord comes.

Let's be ready and not careless to think that the Lord is going to come back any day now and so why should we strive. Let's be wise as serpents and gentle as doves in our approach. Bob Jones said in one of his visitations to heaven, "Did you learn to love

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