"Kids at weddings: Fun or Trouble?"

6 years ago

"Having kids at wedding receptions is such fun! They always add something special to the whole atmosphere and makes it even more beautiful and cheerful. But, kids at the weddings also increase the chances of having some silly accidents and funny encounters, just like in this video. Check it out and see what happens when there are too many people with their kids on the dancing floor. This video shows a father who is holding his baby girl in his arms and swings her around, but somehow misses to notice that another tot girl in a purple dress is coming their way! So, he swings his baby again and accidentally hits the other girl in the face with his daughter's feet and knocks her down! OMG! But luckily, this adorable tot girl in a purple dress is a brave one, so she doesn't cry or cream! She just strands back up on her feet and starts to dance with her dad!"

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