What Happened to Hong Kong Is a Huge Political Signal and a Wake-Up Call for Taiwan

11 months ago

03/21/2024 Roy on Outside the Beltway: New Hong Kong national security law just got passed and established for particular crimes like secession, subversion, terrorism, and also collusion with foreign organizations. In the summer of 2019, about over 2 million people were on the streets to protest against this anti-extradition law but it got crushed. What happened to Hong Kong is a huge political signal. It's already dead and it has also sounded a wake-up call to Taiwan.
03/21/2024 罗伊做客Outside the Beltway:香港新的国家安全法刚通过,针对分裂国家、颠覆国家政权、恐怖主义以及勾结外国组织等特定犯罪行为而制定。2019年夏天,当时超过 200万人走上街头抗议逃犯引渡条例,但最终遭到了镇压。香港的遭遇是一个巨大的政治信号,它已沦为死港,也给台湾敲响了警钟。

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