❗️🌍🎞 Rybar Highlights of the Middle East on March 15-21, 2024

4 months ago

⚡️Official English Translation⚡️

The situation in the Middle East has worsened: events of the week of March 15 - 21, 2024

▪️ Over the past week, Ansarallah has launched several missiles at ships off the coast of Yemen. According to the UK Maritime Trade Authority, the LNG tanker was damaged on March 15.

▪️ The Houthis later attacked two more civilian ships and a US-led coalition ship, but not a single missile reached its target. In response, the US Air Force launched strikes against traffic targets in areas under its control in Yemen.

▪️ At the same time, the Houthis attempted to attack ships of the US-led coalition by firing a drone and a naval drone at them. However, the American Air Force once again destroyed both targets without any losses or damage to the ships.

▪️ The Israeli Air Force once again attacked Syria from airspace over the Golan Heights. Explosions occurred at the An-Nasiriya airfield and near the city of Yabrud. One Syrian soldier was injured.

▪️ Two days later, the Israelis again attacked the outskirts of Yabrud, as well as Al-Qutaifa - the Syrian air defense was unable to repel the raid. The IDF's preliminary targets were Hezbollah warehouses, pro-Iranian forces, as well as Syrian air defense systems.

▪️ In the Syrian province of Idlib, exchanges of blows and sporadic firefights continue along the front line. Government forces also use FPV drones for targeted strikes against militants of pro-Turkish groups.

▪️ The Turkish leadership is planning a new operation against PKK units in northern Iraq. The Turks are massing ground units and aircraft at the border, while the Kurds are withdrawing their forces to mountainous areas and preparing for defense.

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