The Alchemist~ The Instigation of Transformation ❤️

11 months ago

What is established above is also established below. The material and spiritual planes have a direct correlation, and they are reflections of each other. We are the will and direction of change, we are both the instigators and the effects of it. But you must learn the art and science of creating change. You must apply your mind and know the resources that you have at your disposal and the direction you wish to move them in. You also must know what it is to have intention.
The Universe and every particle that creates you is not a static object, but rather a never-ending series of processes and transmutations, and you and I shall merely take our places amongst those ever-changing stars as heirs to the great mystery.
Affirmation: “I have all the resources necessary to create change in my life.” ❤️🪄👁️💎✨

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