The Battle Before 468 AD: Leo I vs Gaiseric #vandals

10 months ago

Leo I and Gaiseric had contentious relations. They used diplomatic and military maneuvers to speak to the tensions and suspicions. Leo I generally tried to help the West, while Gaiseric tried to undermine the Western Roman Empire.
#vandals #easternromanempire

Music Credits:
Medieval Astrology- Underbelly & Ty Mayer
Stark Goes Dark- The Whole Other

0:00 Intro
0:34 Beginning
2:22 Treaty
4:32 Olybrius
4:52 Effects
6:35 Ascension of Anthemius
7:25 Last Efforts
8:39 Analysis

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-Hughes, Ian- Gaiseric: The Vandal Who Destroyed Rome, (Pen and Sword Military, 2017)
-Jacobsen, Torsten C- A History of the Vandals, (Westholme Publishing, 2012)
-John Malalas- The Chronicle of John Malalas, by Elizabeth Jeffreys, Michael Jeffreys, Roger Scott, and Brian Croke (Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 1986)
-MacGeorge, Penny- Late Roman Warlords, (Oxford University Press, 2003)
-Merrills, Andy & Miles, Richard- The Vandals, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
-Procopius of Caesarea- The Wars of Justinian, Henry Bronson Dewing (Hackett Publishing Company, 2014)
-Sidonius Apollinaris- Poems and Letters With an English Translation, Introduction, and Notes, by
-W.B. Anderson, (Cambridge University Press, 1936)
-Syvänne, Ilkka- The Military History of Late Rome AD 457-518, (Pen and Sword Military, 2021)
-Theophanes the Confessor- The Chronicle of Theophanes: Byzantine and Near Eastern History, AD 284-813, trans. by Geoffrey Greatrex and Cyril Mango (Clarendon Press, 1997)
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