Blaze the Cat Needs Her Own Series

10 months ago

DISCLAIMER: I am aware that Sonic Rush Adventure released a year after Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), but for context in regard to Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), that game was meant to be a continuity reboot for the whole franchise. But instead, it introduces existing characters with none of their backstory and new characters, such as Silver, Elise, and Mephelis, which were heavily criticized.

Blaze the Cat is a character that is loved by many who follow the Sonic series. Overtime, her character has been butchered and mostly appears in spin-offs. Blaze deserves better than what she received, so I'm paying my respects to this character in hopes that she'll be treated better in the future.

Oh, and fuck Silver. He's a Trunks knock-off.

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