Wendy’s delivering food by drone!

3 months ago

DoorDash and Alphabet’s Wing have teamed up to revolutionize food delivery by introducing drone delivery options for Wendy’s customers nationwide, heralding a new era of convenience in the fast-food industry.

The partnership’s pilot program, launched in Christiansburg, Va., promises swift delivery of Wendy’s iconic offerings, including burgers, fries, and Frosties, all within “30 minutes or less,” as announced by DoorDash in a recent press release.

Operating in collaboration with Wing’s drones, the program enables these unmanned aerial vehicles to transport a range of “eligible items” from Wendy’s menu, such as Baconators, Frosties, and even chili, at speeds of up to 65 mph.

Once airborne, the drones delicately deposit these orders onto customers’ front lawns, the New York Post reported.

READ MORE: https://nypost.com/2024/03/21/business/wendys-delivering-food-by-drone-for-the-first-time-with-one-catch/

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